4 Little Words: Introduction (3 Minutes)

Alison Peak, LCSW, IMH-E®, Executive Director of Allied Behavioral Health Solutions and Angela Webster, MSW, IMH-E®, Executive Director of AIMHiTN share with us the back story behind 4 Little Words. Join us as we embark on a journey of discovery through 4 Little Words that will show us ways to listen to and engage families in a meaningful way.

https://youtu.be/0-rNs2GWRUU (opens in a new window in YouTube)

4 Little Words: Building Emotional Resilience (28 Minutes)

Explore with us what it means to observe child/caregiver interactions to learn about the relationship which is the vehicle for change. Fran Jozefowicz, MSN, RN, IMH-E® and Deborah Weatherston, PhD, IMH-E® begin this video series by discussing three pillars in building the foundation of emotional resilience which are Diversity-Informed, Centrality of Relationships and Reflective Practices.

https://youtu.be/fulXLE2XLig (opens in a new window in YouTube)

4 Little Words: Reflection In Action (28 Minutes)

Learn about the skill of actively listening out of curiosity that will then lead us to next week’s topic of wonder. Fran Jozefowicz, MSN, RN, IMH-E® and Deborah Weatherston, PhD, IMH-E® introduce a framework that many have found helpful in putting into practice, as a respectful and effective way of working with infants young children and their families. This framework can be summed up by these 4 little words: Observe, Listen, Wonder, & Respond.

https://youtu.be/fICRJHYFimk (opens in a new window in YouTube)

4 Little Words: A Reflective Conversation (18 Minutes)

Listen, Observe, Wonder and remain aware of your own emotional response as you watch this brief reflective conversation between Deborah Weatherston, PhD, IMH-E® and Kristina Figaro, LMSW, IMH-E®.

https://youtu.be/tIMiTh1QXgM (opens in a new window in YouTube)

Download further information about "4 Little Words" and Infant Mental Health (IMH).
(PDF opens in a new window and can be saved to your computer.)

Allied Behavioral Health Solutions and the Association of Infant Mental Health in Tennessee (AIMHiTN) reached out to the Alliance to partner around the creation and development of a 5 video series to examine what it means to observe, listen, wonder, and respond when working with infants, young children, and their families.  These "4 Little Words", coined by Deborah Weatherston, PhD, IMH-E®, have been a framework for many infant-young child and family professionals.  

Join the following presenters on a video journey about building emotional resilience:

  • Deborah Weatherston, PhD, IMH-E®

  • Fran Jozefowicz, MSN, RN, IMH-E®

  • Kristina Figaro, LMSW, IMH-E®

  • Melissa Threadgould, LMSW, IMH-E®

Finally, we invite you to join with your colleagues and/or members of your association for infant mental health to participate in this series.

You may consider having a brown bag lunch over the course of 5-weeks and examine one video from the series each time.  Or you may wish to share all of the video clips at once and then come together to have a large group discussion about what you learned.  There are numerous ways to use these resources -- get creative!  

Please note: the knowledge/skills covered in these videos align with the Competency Guidelines® and viewing the videos can be recorded in your Endorsement® application within the training section. 

4 Little Words: Reflective Conversation About Referrals (18 Minutes)

Today we focus on what is intentionally our last “word,” respond. Responding should only happen after thorough observation, listening, and wondering. Join us as we talk about just what that looks like. Dr. Deborah Weatherston, PhD, IMH-E®, Fran Jozefowicz, MSN, RN, IMH-E®, and Melissa Threadgould, LMSW, IMH-E® engage in a reflective conversation about referrals.

https://youtu.be/4SXAGBQaD6Q (opens in a new window in YouTube)

4 Little Words: Promoting Emotional Resilience (17 Minutes)

We conclude our video series on Building Emotioanl Resilience. Join us as Dr. Deborah Weatherston, PhD, IMH-E®, Fran Jozefowicz, MSN, RN, IMH-E®, Kristina Figaro, LMSW, IMH-E® and Melissa Threadgould, LMSW, IMH-E® engage in a panel discussion that we hope reinforces the work you are already doing as you work with infants, children and their families.

https://youtu.be/EVZDqcfyXM8 (opens in a new window in YouTube)